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Minimalistic Video Game Cabinet Customization Background

What Customizations Are Available for Custom Video Game Cabinets

For many of us, arcade cabinets hold a special place in our hearts, they transport us back to those carefree afternoons spent in the neon glow of the local arcade.

These memories, filled with the sounds of pixels in action and the camaraderie of friends rallying behind us, are etched deeply within us.

Today, the ability to customize our own video game cabinets allows us to recapture some of that magic, blending nostalgia with a personal touch that reflects our individual journeys through the world of gaming.

Nostalgic Retro Cabinets In The Dark


This guide dives into the customization options offered by manufacturers, from upgrading controls for the perfect game feel, showcasing your style with custom artwork, to understand the different software for running everything from retro classics to the latest indie hits, all while providing a detailed roadmap of how to get the right personalizing for your setup.

Before delving into how you can customize an arcade cabinet, make sure you understand everything about multicades by exploring our Ultimate Buyers Guide to Home Multicades.

For those interested in a more hands-on approach, stay tuned for an upcoming guide dedicated to DIY customization, where you’ll learn how to bring your unique vision to life with your own two hands.


Here is what I’ll talk about in this guide:

  1. TLDR + Cheat Sheet for options per manufacturer.

  2. Basic External Customization Options.

  3. Advanced External Customization Options.

  4. Hardware Options and Enhancements.

  5. Professional Services vs DIY.

  6. Conclusion.


  Vibrant and Colorful Video Game Cabinet



Exploring Cabinet Types:

Various video game cabinet types exist, from classic standup models to compact bartop setups, each offering unique advantages for different preferences and spaces.

You are going to have the most options for customization if you choose the classic standup type, yet most of the other types also support basic customizations like artwork and additional controls.


Personalizing Exterior Artwork:

Customizing your cabinet's exterior is primarily done using vinyl wraps, and occasionally with custom paint jobs. 

The reputable manufacturers provide the option to customize wraps according to your desired style and features, with assistance from their designer after you place an order.


Tailoring Control Panels:

While panel layouts are typically fixed, you have the flexibility to incorporate multiple controls, such as flight sticks, trackballs, spinners, additional joysticks and buttons, pinball buttons on the side, light guns, and wheels with pedals.

These additions cater to both solo and multiplayer gaming experiences, offering a diverse range of options to suit your preferences and gaming needs.


Enhancing with Lighting:

The options to illuminate your cabinet are using backlights, under-cabinet lighting, or T-molding lights (some manufacturers even offer control panel backlights). Each off them add ambiance and highlight the machine's features.


Advanced Features:

If you are committed to really customizing the cabinet you can add advanced features like dynamic marquee displays (it could be backlit or actively changing LCD screen based on the game you are playing) or kickplate enhancements like another LCD screen, coin operating mechanism or even an integrated fridge (those are quite rare).


Selecting Hardware Options:

The experience itself would be very similar whichever type of hardware based system you use.

  • Choose JAMMA board based if you are specifically aiming to recreate an authentic cabinet.
  • Choose Raspberry PIs if you are looking for a more budget friendly option and seek a higher number of emulated games.
  • Choose a PC based system if you are trying to get the best possible performance and want to keep your options open for personal customizations. Also this is the best option if you are going to run more modern games on your build as they require more robust hardware.


Customization Manufacturer Cheat Sheet

Top Manufacturers Rating Value For Money (1/10) Rating Customization Options (1/10) Types of arcade cabinets Exterior Artwork Control Panel Layout Control Panel Specialty Controls Lighting Options T-Molding Options Marquee Options Kickplate Options Hardware Options Sound Systems
Classic Standup Pedestal Cocktail Bartop Wall mount ViewLix/Chewlix Console (Control board) Vinyl Wraps Custom Paint Job Single Player Layout Two Player Layout Four Player Layout Custom Button Configurations Joystick & Button options Trackball Spinners Light Guns Steering Wheels and Pedals Flight Sticks Backlights Under-cabinet Lighting T-Molding Lights Backlit Control Board Colored or Textured LED T-Molding Static Wrap Backlit Marquee Dynamic Marquee Coin Mechanism Backlit Plate Working Fridge JAMMA Board Raspberry Pi PC-Based System
Quality Arcades 10 6.5 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No No Yes No No
Tag Retro Arcade 9 7 Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No No Yes No No
Paradox Arcade Systems 7 9 Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes (with upgrades) No
Extreme Home Arcades 7 9 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes (with upgrades) No
Creative Arcades 8 7.5 Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes N/A N/A N/A No
Arcades R Fun 8 7 Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes (with upgrades) No
North Coast Arcades 7 8 Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No
Tulsa Arcades 8 7 Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No
Awesome Arcades 9 5.5 Yes No Yes No No No (Yet, Option for similar style) No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No
Dream Arcades 6 8 Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes (non functional) No No No No Yes (with upgrades) No

Lesser Known Manufacturers

Lesser Known Manufacturers Rating Value For Money (1/10) Rating Customization Options (1/10) Types of arcade cabinets Exterior Artwork Control Panel Layout Control Panel Specialty Controls Lighting Options T-Molding Options Marquee Options Kickplate Options Hardware Options Sound Systems 
Classic Standup Pedestal Cocktail Bartop Wall mount ViewLix/Chewlix Console (Control board) Vinyl Wraps Custom Paint Job Single Player Layout Two Player Layout Four Player Layout Custom Button Configurations Joystick & Button options Trackball Spinners Light Guns Steering Wheels and Pedals Flight Sticks Backlights Under-cabinet Lighting T-Molding Lights Backlit Control Board Colored or Textured LED T-Molding Static Wrap Backlit Marquee Dynamic Marquee Coin Mechanism Backlit Plate Working Fridge JAMMA Board Raspberry Pi PC-Based System
Monster Arcades 7.5 6.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No (Yet they sell driving sims) No No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No Yes Yes
Our Custom Arcades 7 7.5 Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes (with upgrades) Yes
Upgrade arcade 7 7 Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No
Retro Cade 7 7.5 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes (with upgrades) Yes
Phantom Arcades 6 7.5 Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No
North West Arcades 6.5 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes (with upgrades) No
Playtime Custom Arcades 6 5 Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No
Dope Arcades 6 5 Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No
Arcade Imagination 5.5 4 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No
Vewlix 7 2 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No


2. Basic External Customization Options


Types of Arcade Cabinets

  • Classic Standup Cabinet: The quintessential arcade experience comes in the form of the classic standup cabinet. They're perfect for recreating that authentic arcade feel at home. The Classic Standup Cabinet is the most popular option which is why you'll have the most options for manufacturers.

    Girl Playing on Standup Arcade Cabinet

  • Pedestal Cabinet: Designed to house the controls and game system while connecting to an external display, pedestal cabinets are a great space-saving solution without sacrificing the full-size arcade control experience. They're ideal for those who prefer using a large, separate screen for gameplay.

    The Arcade Guys TAG Pedestal

  • Bartop Cabinet: Compact and space-efficient, bartop cabinets are designed to sit on a counter or table, bringing the arcade experience to smaller spaces. Despite their size, they don't skimp on the authentic arcade feel, making them perfect for casual gaming and smaller setups.

    Classic Bartop Arcade Cabinet

  • Wall Mount Cabinet: For the ultimate space saver, wall-mounted cabinets can be hung at a comfortable playing height, freeing up floor space. This option is ideal for very tight spaces or as an addition to a game room where floor space is already utilized by other gaming equipment.

    Wall Mount Arcade Cabinet

  • Cocktail: The cocktail arcade cabinet, characterized by its tabletop design, allows 2 to 4 players to sit face-to-face during gameplay, offering a more relaxed gaming posture compared to stand-up models. This type of cabinet is especially popular for multi-player games, providing a flat, horizontal screen that players can gather around.

    Its design also serves as functional piece of furniture, blending seamlessly into a home entertainment space or game room.

    Multi Video Game Cocktail Cabinet

  • Viewlix/Chewlix Cabinet (Traditional Japanese Sit Down): These cabinets offer a modern, sit-down arcade experience, modeled after the style commonly found in Japanese arcades.

    They're designed for comfortable, extended play sessions and often feature high-end displays and controls. This type is perfect for fans of fighting games or anyone looking for a sleek, contemporary arcade setup.

    Traditional Japanese Sit And Play Arcades

  • Console: Distinguished by its compact and portable design, the console-type arcade cabinet strips the arcade experience down to its essence—a small control board that can be easily stored away when not in use.

    Ideal for those with limited space or the desire for a minimalist setup. These types could either be just the control panel or they could actually have a small computer that allows gamers to plug directly to a TV or monitor and play.

    TAG Arcade Console Table Top



Exterior Artwork

Exterior art upgrades for video game cabinets are a fantastic way to personalize and give a unique look to your gaming setup.

They range from simple touches to complete overhauls that can transform the appearance of a cabinet. 

X-Men Custom Arcade Cabinet Artwork

Here is how the customization process works. After you place the order, the manufacturer reaches out to you to setup a meeting with their designer. You can either give your own ideas, with specific requirements such as characters from different games, layout, colors, patterns etc.

Or you can point to specific examples of the vibe you are going for and allow the creative people to offer you different options.

Depending how complex your requirements are, you may get a proposal for how it could work from a 1 to 3 days. Here are the popular options:


Vinyl Wraps

Vinyl wraps are one of the most common methods for customizing the exterior of an arcade cabinet.

They usually cover the entire cabinet and can be either a single color, one of the manufacturer's preconfigured wrap options or a custom design that you and the manufacturer's designers work on.

Arcade Cabinet External Vinyl Wrap


If there's an aspect of the design that doesn't meet your expectations, don't hesitate to request adjustments. After all, you've invested in this customization and are entitled to receive something that fully satisfies your vision.

Checkout this beauty by Butcher Billy from Neo-Legend!

French Arcade Cabinet Neo Legend Artwork


Stencil Design

This method allows for the application of intricate patterns, logos, or characters directly onto the cabinet using stencils and spray paint or brushes. It's a fantastic way to achieve a handcrafted look, blending creativity and precision to create a design that's both striking and personally meaningful.

They can cover the entire cabinet or specific sections, offering endless possibilities for artwork, from retro game themes to modern designs or personalized artwork.

Stencil Sides Designed Cabinet

They are usually more common in DIY builds, and therefore manufacturers rarely use this type of design.


Paint Job

Opting for a paint job through a manufacturer is a hassle-free way to achieve a personalized look for your arcade cabinet with professional quality. This service allows you to choose from a wide range of colors, finishes, and designs to match your vision.

Painted Bartop Arcade Cabinets

When you select a paint job from a manufacturer, you're consulting with experts who can advise on the best materials and techniques to bring your ideas to life.

How it works is straightforward: you discuss your desired theme, color scheme, or specific design with the manufacturer. They may offer a selection of pre-existing templates or work with you to create a custom design.

The professionals then prepare the cabinet's surface, apply the chosen paints using high-quality materials, and finish with a protective coat to ensure durability and vibrancy.

This type of exterior customization is better if your cabinet won't stay in one place since scratches can be easily fixed unlike the Vinyl wraps and Stencil designs. Yet the paint fades as the years pass so if you want to keep yours fresh, you would have to do the repainting yourself.


Control Panel

The control panel is a crucial component of any arcade cabinet, as it directly impacts the gameplay experience. Manufacturers offer various layout options to cater to different types of games and personal preferences.

Classic Arcade Cabinet Control Board


Layout Options

  • Single Player Layout: Designed for solo play, this layout focuses on ergonomics for one player, featuring a joystick and a set number of buttons arranged for comfortable access. It's ideal for cabinets dedicated to specific games or genres where one player is the norm and are usually not popular for multicades.

  • Two Player Layout: A popular choice for most arcade cabinets, the two-player layout includes two sets of controls (joysticks and buttons) side by side. This setup is perfect for head-to-head or cooperative play, accommodating a wide range of classic and modern arcade video games.

  • Four Player Layout: For the ultimate multiplayer arcade experience, a four-player layout includes controls for up to four players at once. These panels are wider and ensure each player has enough space and a complete set of controls. Ideal for party games and titles that thrive on group play.

  • Custom Button Configurations: Beyond the number of players, you can customize the button configurations to suit specific games or preferences.

    This might include adding extra buttons for complex games, arranging buttons in a particular layout for fighting games, or including specialty buttons for specific actions.

    My advice is to choose a manufacturer that offers premium quality joysticks and buttons like Sanwa.


Specialty Controls

Basically all arcade machines come with a number of buttons and joysticks so I will consider that the base controls. Depending on the games you want to play, you might opt for panels that also include controls like:

  • Trackball: Essential for games like "Centipede" or "Missile Command," offering precise movement control.

  • Spinners: Perfect for games that require rotational movement, like "Pong" or "Tempest."

  • Light Guns: For shooting games, light guns add an immersive element and accurate targeting.

  • Steering Wheels and Pedals: Racing games benefit from realistic steering controls, complete with pedals for acceleration and braking.

  • Flight Sticks: For flight simulators or space combat games, flight sticks provide a more realistic and engaging experience.

Choosing the right control panel layout and configuration is vital for ensuring your arcade cabinet meets your gaming needs and preferences.

My advice here is really consider would you actually play often with other people. Having a larger cabinet does not mean actually having better immersion as you would be standing 2-3 feet away from a 43-55" monitor. Lots of people give feedback that they now consider their setup too big when they play alone.



Lighting isn't just functional, it transforms the ambiance of your gaming space and accentuates the unique features of your arcade cabinet. Here are the different options you have for your machine:

  • Backlights: Placed behind the cabinet or its marquee, backlights enhance the artwork, creating a halo effect that makes the cabinet stand out, especially in low-light conditions.

    Retro Arcade LED Backlights

    It's perfect for drawing attention to specific design elements or simply adding a warm glow to your gaming area.

  • Under-cabinet Lighting: LED strips installed along the bottom edge of the cabinet cast a soft light onto the floor, adding a modern, sophisticated touch.

    Video Game Cabinet with LED Underlights

    This lighting can be color-customized and is excellent for creating a cool ambiance that complements the overall aesthetic of your gaming space.

  • T-Molding Lights: Incorporating LED strips into the T-molding around the cabinet edges introduces a dynamic, futuristic look. You can choose from various colors and lighting patterns to create a vibrant effect that enhances the cabinet's silhouette and adds an extra layer of style to its design.

    Paradox Arcades Cabient with LED T-Molding

  • Backlit control board: A backlit control board on an arcade cabinet elevates the gaming experience by illuminating the controls with soft, ambient lighting. The glow from the backlit board adds an immersive element to the gameplay.

    Paradox Arcades Custom Backlit Control Board

Each lighting option offers a unique way to customize your arcade cabinet, whether you're aiming for a subtle, elegant backlight or a bold, eye-catching display with T-molding lights. These enhancements not only improve the cabinet's aesthetics but also contribute to a more immersive gaming experience.


T-Molding Options

T-Molding can be more than just a protective edge for your game cabinet. You can utilize the opportunity to add a distinctive touch to its appearance. Here are the options you might consider:

  • Standard Black: Opting for black T-Molding gives your cabinet a timeless, classic arcade look. It's sleek, unobtrusive, and matches virtually any design or color scheme, making it a safe and stylish choice for any cabinet.

    TAG Retro Arcade 43 Inch Black Trim

  • Colored or Textured: For those looking to add a splash of color or an extra dimension of uniqueness, colored or textured T-Molding is the way to go. Available in a wide range of colors and finishes, it can complement your cabinet’s artwork or create a striking contrast.

    TAG Retro Arcade 43 Inch Red Trim

  • Light-Up T-Molding: For the ultimate in customization and flair, light-up T-Molding incorporates LED lighting within the trim, offering dynamic lighting effects that can change color, pulse, or remain a steady hue.

    This option transforms your cabinet into a living piece of art, capturing attention and elevating the overall gaming experience with its vibrant glow. You can already guess it is the most pricy option.

Choosing the right T-Molding can subtly enhance your cabinet's aesthetic or turn it into a standout piece in your game room. 


3. Advanced External Customization Options

Marquee Options

The marquee is one of the most iconic features of an arcade cabinet, traditionally used to display the name of the game and attract players with its vibrant artwork.

Modern customizations take this a step further, allowing for personalization and technology integration:

  • Static Wrap: For those who prefer a permanent look or have a dedicated cabinet for a single game, static wraps offer a way to customize the marquee with high-resolution graphics, logos, or any design of your choosing.

    Printed on durable materials, these wraps ensure your artwork remains vibrant and resistant to fading over time. It’s an excellent budget-friendly choice for personalizing your cabinet, giving it a unique identity that reflects your favorite games or personal style.

  • Backlit Marquee: Enhancing a static marquee with backlighting transforms the visual impact of your arcade cabinet, making the artwork pop and drawing attention even in low light conditions. LED strips are often used for this purpose, offering bright lighting that can be adjusted in color and intensity. A backlit marquee recreates the inviting glow of classic arcades, adding an authentic ambiance to your gaming space.

    Donkey Kong Backlight Marquee Cabinet

  • Dynamic Marquee: The advanced option, where the marquee display changes to match the game currently being played. This is usually achieved through an LCD screen integrated into the marquee space, connected to the cabinet's system.

    Active Marquee Based On Double Dragon

    Software controls the screen, automatically switching the displayed image or video to correspond with the game selection. This feature is perfect for multi-game cabinets, adding a professional touch that keeps the arcade experience fresh and engaging.

    It is the premium option, but honestly how dope would it be to have a changing marquee based on the game?


Kickplate Options

The kickplate options are place in or on the panel bellow the control board (for the standup cabinets).

  • Coin Mechanism: Integrating a coin mechanism into the kickplate not only enhances the arcade cabinet's authenticity but also revives the classic arcade experience.

    Coin Mechanism On Arcade Cabinet

    Whether for actual coin operation or purely for decorative purposes, a coin mechanism adds a nostalgic touch, reminiscent of the days when arcades ruled the gaming world.

  • Static/Backlit/LCD Decorated Plate: Customizing the kickplate with a decorated plates allows for an additional area of artistic expression. A static plate can feature custom graphics, game artwork, or personal designs, adding visual interest at the cabinet's base.

    Active LCD Kickplate

    Opting for a backlit version elevates this customization, illuminating the artwork with LEDs to make the design stand out, especially in dimly lit rooms. 

  • Working Fridge: For the ultimate in convenience and novelty, incorporating a working mini-fridge into the kickplate of your arcade cabinet is a game-changer.

    Creative Arcades Integrated Fridge Cabinet

    Perfect for long gaming sessions or parties, a fridge keeps drinks cold and within easy reach, eliminating the need to pause the game for refreshment runs. 

    Besides its obvious functional benefits, it's a standout feature that's sure to impress and delight your friends, giving you bragging rights as the host with the most innovative and cool (literally) arcade setup around.


Sound Systems

Quite honestly, your options here are incredibly limited. Manufacturers rarely do offer options to customize your sound system. You can refer to the cheat sheet on the TLDR section to check them out.

If you are an audiophile you have a better chance to personally ask the manufacturers if they would be able to integrate what you need into the cabinet instead of trying to find one that offers those options.

The options vary between having a cabinet that uses the TV speakers to premium brands offering an upgraded audio system with additional speakers in the marquee and a subwoofer inside of the cabinet.


4. Hardware Options and Enhancements

When customizing your arcade cabinet, the choice of hardware is foundational, determining not only the type of games you can play but also the potential for performance enhancements. Here's a breakdown of popular hardware options, their performance upgrade potentials, and the operating systems they support:

JAMMA Boards

JAMMA (Japan Amusement Machinery Manufacturers Association) boards are the traditional heart of arcade cabinets, designed to play one game per board. They're perfect for creating dedicated single-game cabinets.

  • Performance Upgrades: Limited primarily to the original hardware capabilities; enhancements are usually focused on maintenance rather than upgrades.
  • Operating Systems: Not applicable, as JAMMA boards run games natively without an operating system.

Basically these boards are meant to be used as they are. Unless you are trying to get the most authentic cabinet possible I suggest you stay away from this option as they are harder to upgrade and take care of.


Raspberry Pi

A compact, cost-effective computer that can emulate a wide range of gaming consoles and arcade systems. Ideal for multi-game setups.

  • Performance Upgrades: While you basically can't upgrade the hardware components of a Raspberry Pi, performance can be optimized through software tweaks, efficient emulation settings, and choosing the latest Pi model for improved processing power. 

    If at one point you want to buy a more powerful Raspberry, they are quite cheap and very easy to switch. (You just plug out the old raspberry, remove the external SD card that holds it's OS and games so you can place it in the new model and plug the new one in it's spot).

  • Operating Systems: RetroPie is a popular choice, offering a user-friendly interface and extensive emulator support. Other options include Batocera, Lakka or Recalbox, which are also tailored for gaming.


PC-Based Systems

Offers the most power and flexibility. Capable of running everything from classic arcade emulations to modern PC games. These builds support every game you can play on less powerful builds and way more for at an additional cost and space.

The majority of the emulation community would recommend getting this type of system, yet make sure you first consider what you actually want to play and do you need the capacity for ultimate customizability.

  • Performance Upgrades: PCs can be upgraded extensively with new CPUs, GPUs, RAM, and storage to improve performance. Cooling systems can also be enhanced to support these upgrades.

  • Operating Systems:
    • Windows: Widely supported, offering compatibility with a vast range of game launchers, emulators, and front-end interfaces like LaunchBox/Big Box.

    • Linux: A lightweight alternative to Windows, it supports many emulators and game launchers, benefiting from open-source flexibility and customization. 

      Unless you are looking for something really specific I recommend choosing the windows route as you'd have an easier time with the setup process.


Viewlix/Chewlix Cabinets (Traditional Japanese Sit-Down)

While specific to a type of cabinet rather than hardware, these setups often incorporate PC-based systems for their versatility and performance, adhering to the same principles of upgrades and operating system choices.

Fewer manufacturers create new cabinets in this type. It's more common to find an older model that is refurbished.

Each hardware option offers a different pathway to achieving the ultimate arcade experience, with potential upgrades and operating systems that enhance functionality and game compatibility.

My personal recommendation would be to buy a machine with a Raspberry Pi if you are looking for a more budget friendly option, and PC-Based one if you are looking for a more powerful system or if you want to play more modern titles.


5. Professional Services vs DIY

DIY vs Professional Arcade Cabinet Customization

Professional Services


  • Expertise and Quality: Professionals bring a level of expertise and experience that can ensure a high-quality finish. They can also offer advice and solutions that you might not have considered.
  • Convenience: Hiring professional services eliminates the need for you to spend your time on the project, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules or those who prefer not to engage in physical labor.
  • Guarantees and Warranties: Many professional services come with guarantees or warranties, providing peace of mind that you won’t get from a DIY project.
  • Support: Manufacturers have dedicated teams for supporting their existing customers in case something stops working.


  • Cost: Professional customization services can be costly, especially for more complex or labor-intensive modifications. (*Cough* Ultimate Multicades *Cough*)
  • Less Personalized Process: While you can specify what you want, you might not have the same level of involvement in each decision-making process as you would in a DIY project.
  • Dependence on External Timelines: You’ll be dependent on the service provider's schedule, which could lead to delays or conflicts that wouldn’t exist if you were doing the project on your own timeline.


DIY (Do It Yourself)


  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Generally, DIY projects can be less expensive than professional services, especially if you already have some of the necessary tools and materials.
  2. Personal Satisfaction: Completing a customization project on your own can be incredibly rewarding. There’s a unique sense of pride in playing on an arcade cabinet that you've personally modified or built.
  3. Customization Control: DIY allows you to control every aspect of the customization process. You can make adjustments and changes on the fly, tailoring every detail to your exact preferences.
  4. Learning Experience: The process of customizing a video game cabinet yourself can be a valuable learning experience, providing skills and knowledge that can be applied to future projects and maintenance.


  • Time Commitment: DIY projects can be time-consuming, requiring a significant investment of your personal time to complete.
  • Skill Level: Depending on the complexity of the customization, a certain level of skill in electronics, woodworking, or graphic design may be necessary. The learning curve can be steep for beginners.
  • Potential for Mistakes: Without professional experience, there’s a higher risk of making mistakes that could cost more to fix than hiring a professional from the start.

    Choosing between DIY and professional services ultimately depends on your budget, skill level, and how much personal involvement you want in the customization process.

    For those who enjoy hands-on projects and have the time to invest, DIY can be a fulfilling option. However, for those seeking a high-quality finish without the investment of personal time and effort, professional services are the way to go.



    6. Conclusion.

    Jumping into customizing an game machine feels like reconnecting with a piece of your past and reimagining it for today. It's about paying homage to those endless hours spent in dimly lit arcades, quarters clenched in sweaty palms, eyes glued to flickering screens. 

    Arcade Cabinet Digital Illustration
    Opting for professional help isn't about taking the easy way out, it's about ensuring your vision comes to life just the way you imagined, especially if you’re not as handy with tools or tech. It's about collaborating with someone who gets it,  and who can bring that level of detail and dedication to your project.

    In the end, whether you go the DIY route or hire pros, it's all about bringing a piece of those golden days into your home, tailored just for you. It's a way to keep those memories alive, to share them with friends and family, and maybe, just maybe, to introduce a new generation to the magic of arcade gaming.
    Next article Ultimate Guide to Buying a Home Multicade Arcade Machine

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